My Mother's Booting Me Out Of Her Basement.


New member
Feb 20, 2001
Boys, it's been a rough year for Sick Gambler.. It looks like I will be renewing another year here in my mothers basement. My mother wants me out, which is why she is increasing my rent. She says I am old enough to be on my own, but I told her.. I said, mom, I don't want to go out there and face the world alone, I am not ready. I have nowhere to go. Who is going to make my dinner, my laundry, and so forth. Right now, I am paying 350 a month, and she told me she will increase me to 400 on Jan 1st. That's a 15% increase. Can I take her to court for this? Isn't 15% against the law? Isn't 3% the maximum increase allowed?

Boys, I am really pissed at her. She also says that she can't sleep at night because I put the tv too loud, and she says she hates my lifestyle I live. I was really hoping that this was finally the year I can finally go on my own, but I would be too lost out there by myself. I need my mother to cook for me and clean for me and do my laundry.

Boys, it's been a tough life for me with this gambling. 88 of the last 100 bad beats, I have been on the bad side of them.. After being in the best physical shape of my life this summer, I have now gained 24 lbs since. I even noticed a double chin starting. I even noticed some gray hairs today in the mirror. I have gone from size 33 jeans, to size 38 now. I've gotten lazy, I hardly exercise now. My girlfriend hates my guts, her dog bites me when he sees me. Even the halloween kids didn't want my candies at the door. They refused to take any candy from me. Today, my barber refused to cut my hair, and my GF's dog :dogtoilet refused to eat the food I served him because it came frome me. I tell you folks, I got it rough. My mother wants to toss me, all my family hate me, and I am broke as hell. I'm thinking of going to the local soup kitchen tomorrow for lunch, I know their Thursday menu is great, they are offering turkey breast, with mashed potatos and soup, with apple pie for dessert, and all you can drink coffee.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow, as I have a very important meeting with my mother and I will try to convince her to not raise my rent, and not to boot me out or I will be on the street, and it is really cold here boys, I don't want to end up on the street. I might end up living in my car this winter, so wish me good luck tomorrow.. :suomi:

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000

tell her your moving out if she increases you one dime. she will lose the income, she can forget about the dreams of the extra income, she will get nothing.

if that doesnt work, frankly, you tried in good faith to resolve this and you have no choice but to send over two goons to beat the crap out of her and tell her you get to stay at the same price or things get worse for her.

she cant expect to raise your rent when you have no hockey games to scalp middle or bet and no hockey futures to bet too. she has to consider the economic difficulties you face.

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
you really have nothing else to do in your spare time other than write this non sense?:breakit:
sick gambler said:
Boys, it's been a rough year for Sick Gambler.. It looks like I will be renewing another year here in my mothers basement. My mother wants me out, which is why she is increasing my rent. She says I am old enough to be on my own, but I told her.. I said, mom, I don't want to go out there and face the world alone, I am not ready. I have nowhere to go. Who is going to make my dinner, my laundry, and so forth. Right now, I am paying 350 a month, and she told me she will increase me to 400 on Jan 1st. That's a 15% increase. Can I take her to court for this? Isn't 15% against the law? Isn't 3% the maximum increase allowed?

Boys, I am really pissed at her. She also says that she can't sleep at night because I put the tv too loud, and she says she hates my lifestyle I live. I was really hoping that this was finally the year I can finally go on my own, but I would be too lost out there by myself. I need my mother to cook for me and clean for me and do my laundry.

Boys, it's been a tough life for me with this gambling. 88 of the last 100 bad beats, I have been on the bad side of them.. After being in the best physical shape of my life this summer, I have now gained 24 lbs since. I even noticed a double chin starting. I even noticed some gray hairs today in the mirror. I have gone from size 33 jeans, to size 38 now. I've gotten lazy, I hardly exercise now. My girlfriend hates my guts, her dog bites me when he sees me. Even the halloween kids didn't want my candies at the door. They refused to take any candy from me. Today, my barber refused to cut my hair, and my GF's dog :dogtoilet refused to eat the food I served him because it came frome me. I tell you folks, I got it rough. My mother wants to toss me, all my family hate me, and I am broke as hell. I'm thinking of going to the local soup kitchen tomorrow for lunch, I know their Thursday menu is great, they are offering turkey breast, with mashed potatos and soup, with apple pie for dessert, and all you can drink coffee.

I am keeping my fingers crossed for tomorrow, as I have a very important meeting with my mother and I will try to convince her to not raise my rent, and not to boot me out or I will be on the street, and it is really cold here boys, I don't want to end up on the street. I might end up living in my car this winter, so wish me good luck tomorrow.. :suomi:

RX Senior
Sep 20, 2000
theres nothing wrong with soup kitchen food, just bring your own salt, pepper and hot sauce to give it some kick.

youll figure out the good days at each soup kitchen around town soon enough.

and a small scalp a day will get you a big mac extra value meal for dinner on the house. you'll be OK

Sep 21, 2004
Well....where do we start?

You are a pathetic pouty little whiner with a beak that puts the Fruit Loops bird to shame---and yes, there is quite possibly a "fruit loops" tie there.

I guess there comes a time in everyone's life when they have to consider doing the right thing. I think this is yours SG. You've run your course with all of your "brothers" money, and have been tossed out like a $2 scamming whore (rightly so).

Pull the plug....the time has come. You know it, we all know. Your life sucks-always has, always will.

Spare the gambling world your fukking "poor me" poutfest #3,576. No one cares scum boy.
Sep 21, 2004
BTW...not trying to pile on here, but we all know that JJ jokes about his 2.5 inches.

Rumor has it you'd pay to have 2.5

Just do it :guillotin

Sep 20, 2004
:toothless Maybe Borat can throw you a few coins...

His movie came out recently :carto1710

Active member
Jun 20, 2000
bigbet1234 said:
you really have nothing else to do in your spare time other than write this non sense?:breakit:
BB trust me I have seen at least 2500 stories over my years here from SG he is an author and writes MANY books :toothless

"The Real Original Rx. Borat"
Sep 21, 2004
Is that $400 Canadian? That's not bad. That's like $75 American or something.
Journeyman said:
:toothless Maybe Borat can throw you a few coins...

His movie came out recently :carto1710

"The Real Original Rx. Borat"
Sep 21, 2004
She say throw him.I say no, keep him. Now sickgambler make her very much money because he travel and people pay to see him...and other,strange ones.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Right Borat the sick gambler basement can become Montreal finest attraction....

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